Our mission is to be a community of faith which welcomes all people regardless of age, gender, race and background, to meet to worship God, to care for others, and to help one another grow in faith and understanding as we follow Jesus Christ.
Wells Green is a lively, welcoming church. Our main Sunday service is at 10.30 am, with evening telephone services via LoopUp usually every second and fourth Sunday at 6.00 pm.. There is also an evening telephone prayer Service via LoopUp each Thursday (except during July and August) at 8.30pm. The telephone number to dial in is 0330 094 5859 and the PIN is 732711. The telephone line is open 15 minutes before the services begin to allow time for people to gather and share their news
There is a small Junior Church, and on the 1st Sunday of each month we hold a half-hour informal service for children and families called Energise, from 9.30 – 10.00 am. We also occasionally hold other forms of worship.
During term time a baby and toddler group " Tiddlywinks" meet each Tuesday 10am to 12noon. Contact for childrens work is Malcolm on 07531 016723 by text message.
Throughout October – March we hold a number of "Movies With A Message" events, where we do a full screening of a film, followed by discussion of the films themes. Contact Malcolm via text message on 07531 016723 for further details.
There are two bible study groups meeting fortnightly on a Wednesday morning and a Wednesday evening. For details of the Wednesday morning Life Group please contact Rev'd David Westhead on 01270 500336. For details of the Wednesday evening Local Mission Area bible study please contact Thelma Charlesworth on 01270 662613.
A Come and Meet Each Other Group (CAMEO) meet at 7.30pm usually on the last Friday of each month. We are a very informal group who meet to have a coffee , chat and hopefully a speaker or entertainment. For details please contact Susan Smith on 01270 663236.
A choir, which sings at special church services and various charity events meets for practice at 2.00pm each Wednesday. You would be welcome to join them. Please contact Myra Wood on 01270 661066.
We sponsor groups of Rainbows, Brownies and Guides who meet on our premises. ( for details contact www.girlguiding.org.uk) Our premises are also used by many local and community groups
Café Wells Green is open for any in the community each Friday from 10.30am to 12.30pm for coffee, tea, biscuits chat etc. (contact David on 01270 500336).
To book our hall and kitchen facilities (photos on Facebook), at reasonable rates, please email wellsgreen.booking@hotmail.com
For news on recent and upcoming activities, please see our Facebook page search wells green church wistaston
For information about services, baptisms, weddings, etc or any more general information, contact the Minister Rev'd Sarah Butcher – 01270 666156.
07598 580541
Cheshire South Circuit
Broad Lane Methodist Church
Audlem Road