Unity Methodist Church (UMC) is a merger of 3 Methodist Churches, Sandbach Methodist Church (Wesley Avenue), Sandbach Heath Methodist Church and Wheelock Methodist Church.
The calling of the Methodist Church is to respond to the gospel of God's love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission. Unity Methodist Church will work towards this by:
Offering worship in different styles – continuing to offer traditional worship, and also enabling faith exploration for those who are not attracted to traditional forms of church, by offering contemporary and all-age worship
a more targeted approach to our work alongside children and young families -- building on the good relationships we already have with many young families
working in partnership with others to provide care for the socially isolated and to engage more effectively with them.
Our sites in Sandbach town centre and at Wheelock will continue to be used for a variety of purposes: further developing the Wheelock site as a hub for children and family work -- named New Horizons – and continue a weekly traditional act of worship at Wesley Avenue -- named The Wesley -- as well as continuing to host the Sandbach foodbank, Sandbach Pantry, and the various faith and community group activities in the Wesley Centre.
For room bookings in the Wesley centre, please contact Mr. Andrew Stolworthy (andrew.unitymc@gmail.com).
For room bookings at New Horizons please contact Mrs. Jayne Bunn (jayne.unitymc@gmail.com).
07598 580541
Cheshire South Circuit
Broad Lane Methodist Church
Audlem Road